by: William L. Passauer

The Oil City pages were last updated: Oct 4, 2020. See What’s New!  You are visitor:

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Oil City, PA around 1900
Oil City, PA around 1900
Oil City, PA Sept. 2008
Oil City, PA Sept. 2008 / Bill Pixley
Oil City, PA 2015 / Bill Pixley
Oil City, PA 2015 With Siverly/Bill Pixley

Welcome to a city where in the 40s, 50s and 60s, when I was growing up, you never had to lock your home or your car.  When a holiday came like Thanksgiving and Christmas the entire family would be together because everyone lived in town. My grandparents lived across the alley from my sister and I and my uncles, aunts and cousins lived just a few blocks away.  I could walk to school as a 1st grader and never had to worry about being kidnapped as every adult was my "parent" and protected me.  Of course, they would also "punish" me and tell my parents if I did anything wrong.  My sister and I could play anywhere without fear and could walk alone several blocks to the candy store for penny candy or buy a double-decker ice-cream-cone for  five cents.  Welcome to Oil City, PA, my home town.  Here you will find many old and new images of my historic oil town and its history.  If you have any comments, images or history to share, please email me at: [email protected].  You will get full credit for any submission used on the site.